Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28, 2015--Foy Vance, Dark Horse

Artist:  Foy Vance
Song:  Dark Horse
Album:  Feel For Me EP (2014)

Foy Vance was born in Ireland in 1971 and spent the first five years of his life in....OKLAHOMA!  Who would've thought?  His father was a traveling minister.  It was during this early time in his life that Foy was exposed to the many different musical styles in America. Vance was drawn to the spiritual aspect of certain types of musical style found in the American South, such as blues and jazz harmonies.  He moved back to Ireland at five, but retained his love for music, particularly the American style.

His music has been featured in movies and television shows across multiple countries.  He is an amazing songwriter and his natural Irish lilt gives another dimension to his singing.  The way he plays the acoustic guitar proves that like most Irish, he is a master storyteller, though he chooses to sing his stories rather than speak them.

Try him out....he's a mellow, soothing go-to in my music player, thanks to my cousin Halie, who sent me a message telling me that I had to listen to his music.  She was right.  Now I'm passing along the favor.  Put a little Foy Vance in your music library.  You'll be glad you did.


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