Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Little Frustrated

So, what I'm trying to do here is support musical artists.  I'm trying to encourage other's to listen to their stuff.  I'm saying, "HEY!  Give these guys another listen!"  Whether they're a new artist that you've not heard of before or an old artist that you've loved for years and you may have forgotten just how much you enjoyed them.  I'm just trying to encourage you to listen to these people, let their music wash over you and bring up memories, or stir up emotions--to do what music does.

Unfortunately, not everyone sees it that way.  Unfortunately, some of the artists that I'm promoting are saying that I'm infringing on copyrighted material.  That isn't the case and the issue has been successfully disputed, but that doesn't change the fact that it still stings.  I'm a bit frustrated...a bit angry...a bit indignant.

That's okay, I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing, I'm just going to have to go at it a little differently in some instances.  Most of the artists have given me some really positive feedback.  They've re-grammed my images on Instagram as well as "liking" and "commenting" on them.  So, it's all good.  Just chapped my ass a little.

There are many of these artists that you'll see on my blog on more than one occasion.  There is one that you won't.  I still like the artist and enjoy their work, however I will not be promoting them on here again. As much as I enjoy the music it isn't worth being attacked over when all I'm trying to do is spread the love.

I realize that I haven't done a review today, but that's because I've been too busy disputing their claim against me.  I'll make up for the lapse tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a good night.

adios bitchachos!


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