Monday, January 12, 2015


Hello.  My name is Keisha, and I'm addicted.

It's official:

But then again...I guess this is true as well:

Anyway, that was just something I felt like sharing.  Nothing quite has the power that music holds for me.  One song brings on a thousand memories.  Or it can erase a foul mood.  It motivates.  It soothes.  Music is a drug that is so multi-dimensional. It's an upper and a downer, depending on your mood and playlist.  A live show gives me a high that I can ride for days.  I can put in that band's album and be right back at the show.  

Bob Marley said it, and I believe he's right.  "The thing about music is, when it hits you, you feel no pain."

That's all....just an extra tidbit for you all.

Oh, but don't think I'm going to post something and not have a song attached. 

Here you go:


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