Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015--Bowling For Soup, Friends O' Mine

Artist:  Bowling For Soup
Song:  Friends O' Mine
Album:  A Hangover You Didn't Deserve (2004)

There will never be a time when I don't share some Bowling For Soup.  I love these guys!  Can you believe these guys got their start back in 1994?  I was only 6 years old!  They started in Wichita Falls, TX then later moved to Denton, TX.  They didn't really get to rolling until 1998 when their EP "Tell Me When To Whoa" was released and since it did so well, selling over 10,000 copies, Jive Records signed the guys.

They re-released quite a few songs from "Tell Me When To Whoal" along with some new ones, mostly cover songs, on the album "Let's Do It For Johnny".  Then they released "Drunk Enough To Dance".  That's when things got big.  They were nominated for a Grammy for their song "Girl All The Bad Guys Want".  They sing about the effect that nomination had on them in their next album "A Hangover You Didn't Deserve" during the song "My Hometown", great song by the way.

Anyway, these guys are awesome.  This pop-punk group was influenced by so many different artists.  They refer to Bon Jovi and Motley Crue on multiple occasions.  They also found influence in the Ramones and Green Day, but that doesn't mean that they're anything like these other groups.  No, BFS is an entity unto themselves.  You'll catch yourself singing along and laughing along.

They're my pick-me-up band.  When I'm in a slump or just kinda blah I can turn these guys on and immediately feel better.  They say that laughter is the best medicine and I can bet that you'll laugh if you give them a good listen.

If you haven't listened to them much then here are some of my favorite songs by the group:

1. Almost
2. Trucker Hat
3. Come Back To Texas
4....Okay....the entire "Hangover" album
5.  Val Kilmer
6.  My Hometown
7.  When We Die
8.  A Friendly Goodbye
9.  Luckiest Loser
10. Emily

and #11--Get Happy

So, go.  Get Happy, and listen to some BFS.


1 comment:

  1. I friggin love some BFS! They are the pick me up band :-)
