Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 4, 2015--Travis Tritt, Be Somebody

Well, you know, I was looking at my blog posts overview page and I realized that I have only one person who reads my blog posts and that's cool.  I love my mom and the fact that she supports whatever it is that I choose to do.  It's kind of disheartening sometimes to know that I put effort into this and into sharing it with others and have nothing to show for it. But recognition isn't my driving force.  My driving force is to share and somehow express my love for music, the artists who create it, and to the other fans out there who may run across this blog one day.

Honestly, I'm okay with no one even noticing this blog or reading the excerpts.  I'm doing this for me.  I love to write and I love music.  This takes care of both.  Anyway, whether you've just stumbled across this blog or you're my mom or I'm just writing to myself--it isn't about me, it's about music.

With that said here's today's post:

Artist:  Travis Tritt
Song:  Be Somebody
Album:  Country Club

Okay, so let's talk about Travis Tritt.  He was a country music sensation in the 90s.  He was born in Marietta, Georgia in 1963.  Travis fell in love with music at church after his Sunday school choir performed a song for the congregation.  His parents bought him a guitar and at 8 years old he taught himself how to play.  He often played for the classes in high school.

When he was 14 his parents bought him another guitar and he got some pointers from his uncle.  After his parents divorced Tritt lived with his mom.  Throughout high school he tried his hand at songwriting.  Some of his classmates encouraged him to keep writing because they enjoyed his music so much.  Tritt had a thing for bluegrass music and it wasn't until much later that he started to take interest in southern rock sounds such as The Allman Brothers.

When Travis was 18 his parents re-married each other.  His father didn't think that Travis would be successful in the music industry and his mother thought that he should stick strictly to christian music instead of country.  When I think of what his parents thought of his chances at success, I love this song even more.  He worked multiple jobs and he honed his music style.  He married his high school sweetheart right out of high school.  They were together two years before they divorced.  At 21 he married his second wife, Jodi Bennett, who was 33 at the time.  They divorced shortly after Tritt signed with Warner Brothers Records.  Upon receiving his divorce papers, he wrote the song "Here's A Quarter (Call Someone Who Cares)".  He married his third wife, Theresa Nelson, and they have three children together. 

It seems to me that Travis has a sense of humor.  I like that.  I love that he lets his personality shine through his music.  Tritt is a card carrying member of the NRA and promotes "criminal control" over "gun-control".  He has said that, "I'm a pro-gun guy. I'm an NRA National Rifle Association member, a life member as a matter of fact. I'm more for the belief of making the punishment tougher for the criminals to start with. I think that sends much more of an incentive for people to not commit crimes of any type than taking away guns. Because you take away guns, and the next thing you know, stabbing murders are going to increase."

Well, I'd have to say that I agree with Mr. Tritt.



1 comment:

  1. I love it baby girl, don't ever stop writing, you have such a gift for it!
    I love this piece too.👍👍👍
