Monday, March 16, 2015

March 14, 2015--Mike Ryan, Bad Reptation

Artist:  Mike Ryan
Song:  Bad Reputation
Album:  Bad Reputation

Alright, this man started in 2010.  He comes from a long line of musical talent.  His father and grandfather were both band directors.  He's been exposed to music his whole life.  He stated in an interview once that his grandpa taught him the connection between love and music.  That's why he strives to play each song of his passionately.

His writing is very soulful and paired with that gravelly voice, it's easy to see how he's becoming wider known.  His song "Dancing All Around It" made it to number one on the Texas music charts last year.  

I really like Mike Ryan.  I loved his cover of Conway's "Slow Hands".  I can't wait to hear more from him. 



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