Friday, March 27, 2015

March 25, 2015--Josh Abbott Band, If You're Leaving (I'm Coming Too)

Artist:  Josh Abbott Band
Song:  If You're Leaving (I'm Coming Too)
Album:  She's Like Texas

I love the Josh Abbott Band.  I love their music, their lyrics, their attitude.  This song can hit close to home for anyone who has ever had relationship problems.  You know, you can look around and I can guarantee that you know someone who's going through a break-up or divorce.  It sucks.  And no matter how hard one party tries to work it out, you can't make the other person in the equation want to work for it.

That doesn't mean that marriage is pointless.  That doesn't mean that you shouldn't fall in love again.  Yeah, I know...marriages don't seem to last as long as they used to.  But, you know what?  If you know that you did your best, you can't blame yourself for the actions of someone else.  That's like trying to go somewhere with a flat tire or drinking exlax and hoping the idiot is the one who gets the shits.  Doesn't work that way.

This song makes me think of those really rough times in a relationship where you're not sure if you're going to make it.  Now, I'm not saying every relationship is worth saving.  If it's an abusive relationship, IN ANY WAY, be it phyical, mental, or emotional then GET OUT!  Those are not worth saving.  And I'd love for you to Google narcissistic relationships.  Those seem to be the most common.  They are doomed from the start unless you are totally okay with being a doormat, and even then, they're still doomed.  There's better out there.  It will find you and you do deserve it and more.  It's too easy to become cynical.  If you do that, then you're letting the assholes of the world win.  Don't.

Anyway, to quote Forest Gump, "That's all I've got to say about that."



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