Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March 3, 2015--Brand New, Mix Tape

Artist:  Brand New
Song:  Mix Tape
Album:  Your Favorite Weapon

I just love these guys.  They remind me of high school (the good parts).  They were one of my favorite bands back then. "Your Favorite Weapon" and "Deja Entendu" are my two favorite albums of theirs.  I can listen to those two albums on repeat and not skip a song.  

My favorite songs include:

1.  Jude Law & A Semester Abroad
2.  Magazines
3.  70 times 7
4.  No Seatbelt Song
5.  Mixtape
6.  The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows
7.  Socco Amaretot Lime
8.  Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades
9.  The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot
10.  Play Crack The Sky

I really hope that you listen to some of those songs if you haven't listened to Brand New before.  Ever single time I hear one of their songs I think of my best friends.  The songs tend to have that "emo" style, but I've linked them with good memories and they tend to make me smile.



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