Sunday, March 15, 2015

March 12, 2015--Eli Young Band, Mystery In The Making

Artist:  The Eli Young Band
Song:  Mystery In The Making
Album:  Jet Black & Jealous

Yes, I'm behind.  Yes, I've been slacking.  I know, I know.  I'm sorry.  Okay...not really.  I have decided that I'm not going to continue doing biographies.  I may when it's a new artist that I feature.  And I'm sure I'll share a tidbit of information here and there, but for the most part I will be sharing the band, song featured, lyrics graphic, and video.  

This is my third Eli Young Band post.  I love them.  They're great.  This song is from their Jet Black & Jealous album.  It was their third album released.  Personally, "Level" is my favorite album, but this one is really good too.  They have released a new single recently, which I hope will soon be followed up by a full-length album.  I love the song featured today.  Last year I had a rough patch and this song gave me hope.  

See, I thought that I had my life's path figured out.  I thought I knew where I was going and what I was going to do for my life.  That all changed.  I felt lost...but like the books I love to read, this song reminded me that my life is a mystery in the making, and that can be a beautiful thing.

So, if you're ever unsure or confused or even afraid..I want you to listen to this song and remember that life is a beautiful mystery in the making.



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