Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 27, 2015--Rich O'Toole, In A Minute Or 2

Artist:  Rich O'Toole
Song:  In A Minute Or 2

Okay, so this is the second Rich O'Toole song that I've shared with you.  There's a high likelihood that he'll show up on this blog once more in the future. The more I listen to his music the more I enjoy his stuff.

If you don't follow him on Instagram or Twitter, then you should.  Although, his Instagram posts usually just make me hungry.  The man is a foodie.  But then again, Julia Child said that the best people are the ones who love to eat.  

Anyway, I hope you like this song.  One of my favorite songs of his is "The Cricket Song".  It's been stuck in my head all day.

Yes, this is a Texas singer/songwriter that can surf.  (Photo from RichOToole Instagram)



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