Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February 23, 2015--Unwritten Law, Save Me (Wake Up Call)

Artist:  Unwritten Law
Song:  Save Me (Wake Up Call)
Album:  Here's To The Mourning

Okay, so this is my favorite song by this band and it's also the song that put them on the map.  They got their start in California in 1990, so they've been around for a while.  I don't have a lot of information on the group as I've only listened to them occasionally, but I do like their sound.

This rock group has been around and have steadily been making music over the past 25 years.  My brother's favorite song of theirs is "Save Me" which happens to be their biggest hit to date.

I hope you like the group.  I remember when I was a junior in high school and our English III teacher would have us do journal entries every day.  They got tedious at times.  Normally, she would give us a writing prompt.  Since I enjoy writing this was never a trial to me.  However, there were days in which she would assign "Free Write" journal entries.  Sometimes I would write about what I was thinking or something mundane that was going on in my life.  However, I don't tend to like to share many details of my life in writing with people with whom I'm not completely comfortable.  I had a personal journal for that.  I did, however, enjoy writing song lyrics or poems in these "Free Write" assignments.  I wrote the lyrics to this song in one of those entries (radio edit version, of course).  I remember my teacher commenting that I seem like a very angry person who deals in harsh metaphors.  Well, I had my fair share of angst, but then again every 16-year-old girl does.  But, just because I listen to "angry music" I am not an angry person.  In fact, sometimes, the angrier the music the better of a mood I'm in.  Surely, I'm not the only one who feels that way?



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