Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 26, 2015--Bob Dylan, Don't Think Twice It's Alright

Artist:  Bob Dylan
Song:  Don't Think Twice, It's Alright
Album:  The Free Wheelin' Bob Dylan (Single)

Okay, so we all know who Bob Dylan is.  He has spanned decades and genres.  Bob Dylan has been a driving force that altered music in the 60's and beyond.  His music tends to have a political or philosophical bend.  However, his songwriting is something to which we can all relate.

He is more than a musician.  Bob Dylan is an artist in every sense of the word.  Between songwriting and performing he has published 6 books of artwork from drawings to paintings.  He has an artist's soul and the need to share it with the world.  Dylan is one of the highest selling artists of all time.  He has sold over 100 million albums to date.

I feel like no matter what I type here, it couldn't begin to cover or even scratch the surface of Bob Dylan's life.  He was born in Duluth, Minnesota (a place of which I'm fond.  It's very beautiful).  If you want to delve deep into his biography you can check out this link here.  



*This song was requested by a relative of mine.  I'm so glad that she requested this because I have truly enjoyed throwing myself into Bob Dylan's music.  

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