Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 28, 2015--Turnpike Troubadours, Gin Smoke Lies

Artist:  Turnpike Troubadours
Song:  Gin, Smoke, Lies
Album:  Goodbye Normal Street

Alright, so we all know that I have a soft-spot for Oklahoma Boys....well....these guys come from pretty damn close to my roots.  The Turnpike Troubadours got their name from the Indian Nation Turnpike that connects a lot of the small towns that they grew up in.  The guys are from Tahlequah, Oklahoma and got their start playing small bars and venues around the area.

They credit their influences as well as their environment for their sound.  These guys are Red Dirt with their own twist.  They aren't what you'd traditionally expect to hear when the term "Red Dirt" is used, but then again, the term is pretty loose these days.  When I think of Red Dirt music I now think of music with country overtones with songs written by the artists who perform them.  I think real.  I think of music that is deeper than it is wide.  I think of my home and what it would sound like if it were a song.

The quintet has made their mark in Red Dirt music.  They've sold out notable venues such as Cain's Ballroom in Tulsa, OK and they're expected to perform at the Choctaw even center here in Durant, OK soon.

Some of my favorite songs of theirs include "Before The Devil Knows We're Dead", "Diamonds & Gasoline", "Whole Damn Town", and "Wrecked".



February 27, 2015--Rich O'Toole, In A Minute Or 2

Artist:  Rich O'Toole
Song:  In A Minute Or 2

Okay, so this is the second Rich O'Toole song that I've shared with you.  There's a high likelihood that he'll show up on this blog once more in the future. The more I listen to his music the more I enjoy his stuff.

If you don't follow him on Instagram or Twitter, then you should.  Although, his Instagram posts usually just make me hungry.  The man is a foodie.  But then again, Julia Child said that the best people are the ones who love to eat.  

Anyway, I hope you like this song.  One of my favorite songs of his is "The Cricket Song".  It's been stuck in my head all day.

Yes, this is a Texas singer/songwriter that can surf.  (Photo from RichOToole Instagram)



Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 26, 2015--Bob Dylan, Don't Think Twice It's Alright

Artist:  Bob Dylan
Song:  Don't Think Twice, It's Alright
Album:  The Free Wheelin' Bob Dylan (Single)

Okay, so we all know who Bob Dylan is.  He has spanned decades and genres.  Bob Dylan has been a driving force that altered music in the 60's and beyond.  His music tends to have a political or philosophical bend.  However, his songwriting is something to which we can all relate.

He is more than a musician.  Bob Dylan is an artist in every sense of the word.  Between songwriting and performing he has published 6 books of artwork from drawings to paintings.  He has an artist's soul and the need to share it with the world.  Dylan is one of the highest selling artists of all time.  He has sold over 100 million albums to date.

I feel like no matter what I type here, it couldn't begin to cover or even scratch the surface of Bob Dylan's life.  He was born in Duluth, Minnesota (a place of which I'm fond.  It's very beautiful).  If you want to delve deep into his biography you can check out this link here.  



*This song was requested by a relative of mine.  I'm so glad that she requested this because I have truly enjoyed throwing myself into Bob Dylan's music.  

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25, 2015--The Black Crowes, Seein' Things

Artist:  The Black Crowes
Song:  Seein' Things
Album:  Shake Your Money Maker

Okay, so I was skipping through my music library when this beauty appeared.  And since it brings me memories of my childhood of my mother screaming into a diet coke bottle as if it were her microphone, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share it with the world.  Too bad I don't have a video of her singing it though....Just kidding, mom.  I wouldn't do that. 

These guys started in 1989.  Two brothers, Chris and Rich Robinson.  Their father had tried to discourage them from pursuing their musical passion as he hadn't had such a great experience himself.  However, their first album "Shake Your Money Maker" just so happened to be a success selling over one million copies and being their best selling (and my favorite) album to date.  The band has seen their fair share of struggles, some of which they brought on themselves.

They have released 9 studio albums, none of which were as successful as their first.  However, when the group tours, they still play to sold out venues.  However, it isn't the "real" group.  Sure, Chris is still there, but Rich and he had a falling out and Rich no longer tours with the band.  Over the years there has been a slew of different musicians come and go, but the brothers always remained.  Until now.  

You need a graph just to see the changes in their line-up over the years.  If you haven't, you should watch "Almost Famous".  Actress Kate Hudson played Penny Lane.  Kate was married to the Black Crowes' lead singer, Chris Robinson for some time until their divorce. 



Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February 24, 2015--Jaron and The Long Road To Love, Pray For You

Artist:  Jaron Lowenstein (Jaron and the Long Road To Love)
Song:  Pray For You
Album:  Getting Dressed In The Dark

Okay, fun fact for February 24, 2015--Prophets and Outlaws have released "Texas Home" as a single and it's now available on iTunes.  Yes, I've already bought it and listened to it and I hope you do too.  

And, now onto our featured artist and song.  Jaron Lowenstein is a twin who was born in Georgia.  He and his brother Evan performed together for a short time.  They were born into an orthodox Jewish family.  

Bonus:  Jaron and Evan are related to actor Logan Lerman on their mother's side.

Logan Lerman

"Pray For You" is Jaron's biggest hit.  Many of his other singles have failed to chart and yet he continues to make music.  I like that.  He hasn't given up, nor has he shown any signs of giving up.  That says a lot to me.  

Jaron Lowenstein



February 23, 2015--Unwritten Law, Save Me (Wake Up Call)

Artist:  Unwritten Law
Song:  Save Me (Wake Up Call)
Album:  Here's To The Mourning

Okay, so this is my favorite song by this band and it's also the song that put them on the map.  They got their start in California in 1990, so they've been around for a while.  I don't have a lot of information on the group as I've only listened to them occasionally, but I do like their sound.

This rock group has been around and have steadily been making music over the past 25 years.  My brother's favorite song of theirs is "Save Me" which happens to be their biggest hit to date.

I hope you like the group.  I remember when I was a junior in high school and our English III teacher would have us do journal entries every day.  They got tedious at times.  Normally, she would give us a writing prompt.  Since I enjoy writing this was never a trial to me.  However, there were days in which she would assign "Free Write" journal entries.  Sometimes I would write about what I was thinking or something mundane that was going on in my life.  However, I don't tend to like to share many details of my life in writing with people with whom I'm not completely comfortable.  I had a personal journal for that.  I did, however, enjoy writing song lyrics or poems in these "Free Write" assignments.  I wrote the lyrics to this song in one of those entries (radio edit version, of course).  I remember my teacher commenting that I seem like a very angry person who deals in harsh metaphors.  Well, I had my fair share of angst, but then again every 16-year-old girl does.  But, just because I listen to "angry music" I am not an angry person.  In fact, sometimes, the angrier the music the better of a mood I'm in.  Surely, I'm not the only one who feels that way?



February 22, 2015--All-American Rejects, Why Worry

Artist:  The All-American Rejects
Song:  Why Worry
Album:  The All-American Rejects

Alright, so I might have a soft spot for these guys.  Hanging out with a friend the other night who decided to play some of their songs and I realized that I haven't shared any of their music and that is something that I intend to remedy.

Anyway, my soft spot is because these are some home state boys.  They got their start in Stillwater, Oklahoma in 1999.  Tyson Ritter (lead vocals/bass/piano), Nick Wheeler (lead guitar), Mike Kennerty (rhythm guitar), and Chris Gaylor (drums) make up the band.  

The band formed when Tyson Ritter and Nick Wheeler were both still in high school.  Nick had been wanting to start a band and Tyson discovered that he was looking for a bassist.  Ritter, who didn't know how to play at the time, said that he could play bass.  Nick asked him to come try out so Ritter locked himself away until he taught himself to play bass well enough to face Nick again.  Fortunately, he was a fast learner and made the cut.  The fact that he could do vocals as well cemented him into the group.  Kennerty and Gaylor were from a band in Edmond, Oklahoma and after meeting Ritter and Wheeler the four of them joined forces to create The All-American Rejects.

Their song "Swing, Swing' which was released in 2003 is the song that gave them the notoriety that they had been working for since their conception.  "The Last Song" from their debut album also saw success.  Their second album, "Move Along", brought even more success with songs like "Move Along", "Dirty Little Secret", and "Stab My Back".  Their third album, "When The World Comes Down", brought them their most successful song yet, "Gives You Hell".  After the release of "Gives You Hell" the band was inducted into the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame.  "Gives You Hell" reached #4 on the Billboard Top 100 charts and helped the band become known as one of the hottest musical groups of the 2000s.

I am a fan of a lot of their work.  I can put in an album and not skip a song.  That says a lot about a group, if you ask me.



February 21, 2015--Good Charlotte, The Motivation Proclamation

Artist:  Good Charlotte
Song:  The Motivation Proclamation
Album:  Good Charlotte

Okay, so 14-year-old me is jumping up and down because I'm finally posting something she would have loved.  I had actually intended to post this on time, but as you can see, that didn't happen.  Anyway, Saturday morning I woke up and had zero motivation.  I began singing to myself as I lay there in bed, "motivate me....I wanna get myself outta this bed...captivate me...I want good thoughts inside of my head".  I realized that I seriously needed to post this song as Saturday's lyrics.

I used to LOVE these guys.  I had a massive crush on Benji...yes, the one with the crazy hair and the most tattoos.  I still kinda do, but hey, he's got Cameron Diaz now.  Oh well, long shots you know. 

Anyway, I was a major fan.  I loved their first album, which this song is from.  "The Click" and "Screamer" were probably my two favorites from that album.  These Maryland twins made a name for themselves with their two band mates, Billy (guitar) and Paul (bass), with their second album "Young & Hopeless" which brought us the song "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous".  Not long after the life they struggled to make after their father abandoned them, their siblings, and mother had become a reality.

Their third album, "The Chronicles of Life and Death" brought us the song "I Just Wanna Live".  There's a verse in the song that says "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, your first hit.  Are you ashamed of the life you're livin'?"  I stopped following them after the release of "Chronicles", however, they have released two albums since, as well as a greatest hits collection.

I still have a soft spot for these guys and I've listened to some of their newer stuff over the past few days and they have matured in their music as well as in their lives.

Billy, Joel, Paul, Benji



Saturday, February 21, 2015

February 20, 2015--Pat Green, Carry On

Artist:  Pat Green
Song:  Carry On
Album:  Carry On

Okay, so if you've been listening to Red Dirt you know his name.  Hell, if you've been listening to mainstream country them I'm sure you know his name.  Pat Green is just awesome.  I love his style, I love his attitude, I love how he stays true to himself and the things that he loves.

Pat was born in San Antonio, Texas and raised in Waco.  His parents divorced when he was seven years old.  After high school, Pat went to college at Texas Tech University where he started playing gigs around the college.  He did this mostly for fun and who could blame him?  Lubbock seems to bring out that side of some of our favorite Red Dirt artists.  

Well, he didn't always have the love for independent music like he does now until his was in college at Texas Tech.  I love this quote by Pat, "Country music – specifically some of the great Texas writers – didn’t really connect with Green until a little later. “After my senior year in high school, the summer before my freshman year at Texas Tech, I had a female friend who was listening to Robert Earl Keen, and I thought his songs were so incredible,” Green recalls. “The stories were great, and the music was so much deeper than the crap on the radio, they just painted a better picture with deeper colors. Robert’s music turned me on to Jerry Jeff Walker, and that led me to go further back. Sure, I had already heard of Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash, but now I explored it all. I fell in love with country music and the way it can be a great way of heartland storytelling – and so far from the plastic world it could be at the time, and sometimes still is. That’s a battle I’ll always have to fight, and I don’t always win the battle, but if you’re trying to make a living at this, that’s the river you have to negotiate.”

I couldn't have said it any better myself!  Pat didn't commit to his music until his step father fired him from his job as a fuel wholesaler. His step dad realized Pat's talent and new that he wouldn't fully commit to his music without a little "help".  I'd like to thank that man for giving Pat the push he needed.  Pat made a name for himself and sold over 250,000 albums BEFORE he signed with a major record label.

His success slowed down when he tried the Nashville scene, though his loyal fan base stayed true.  It didn't take Pat long to realize, once again, that his heart was with the independent music scene.  He came back to his Texas roots and last year released a song with Lyle Lovitt called "Girls From Texas".  It's a great song and I love it, even though I'm an Oklahoma girl. 

Yes, that picture is of Pat Green with my favorite band, Prophets and Outlaws.  It's awesome.  They're awesome.  Love it.  Anyway, that picture just makes me happy.  Pat Green is a musician that has blazed his own trail and he does everything in his power to support other artists like him.  Artists with a different sound and style trying to make their own way and not giving in.

I love me some Pat Green. I can't choose a favorite, but I do love "Three Days" and "Don't Break My Heart Again".  He's got so many great ones and I'm thrilled that he isn't about to stop.



February 19. 2015--Donovan Woods, That Hotel

Artist:  Donovan Woods
Song:  That Hotel
Album:  That Hotel Single Release

Donovan Woods is a Canada native and is a new addition to my music library.  I stumbled across him the other day listening to Will Hoge's "Pals Proving All Country Music Doesn't Sound The Same" on my Spotify account.  

I must admit, I'm hooked.  I love his simple yet direct lyrics and the acoustic guitar that ties them together.  Even though I haven't been listening to him for long, plenty of others have.  He's made quite the name for himself.  Tim McGraw sings a cover of one of Donovan's songs called "Portland Maine".  It's a beautiful song and not one I would typically picture Tim McGraw singing.

"That Hotel", "The Coldest State", and "Put On Cologne" are my favorites by Mr. Woods at this time, though I'm sure the songs will change as I grow more knowledgeable of his music.  I'm happy that his music and I crossed paths.

If this is your first time hearing Donovan Woods, please comment below and tell me what you think.  If you've been a fan for years, comment too!  I'd love to know what everyone thinks.



Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 18, 2015--Bill Withers, Ain't No Sunshine

Artist:  Bill Withers
Song:  Ain't No Sunshine
Album:  Just As I Am

Takin' it old school with this one.  Maybe it was Prophets and Outlaws' soul sound that put me in the mood for some Bill Withers.  I don't know, but here it is.  

Anyway, I don't know a ton about Mr. Withers here, but I do know that we have him to thank for "Lean On Me", "Just The Two Of Us", and "Lovely Day".  He's an amazing singer-songwriter who was born in the late 30s and had 12 other brothers and sisters. Bill served 9 years in the U.S. Navy after enlisting when he turned 18.  



February 17, 2015--Prophets and Outlaws, Shine On Me

Artist:  Prophets and Outlaws
Song:  Shine On Me
Album:  Shine On Me Single Release

Alright, so everyone knows that I LOVE Prophets and Outlaws.  They're my favorite.  These guys take all the elements that I love from country music and then they add a twist of soul.  I can't get enough.  In fact, I don't think I have a single playlist without them on it.  They. Are. Amazing.

These guys are still in the early phase of their music, but they are building momentum and they're doing it fast.  Brothers Steve and James Guckenheimer and lead vocalist Matt Boggs have brought in CJ Thompson and Jaime (Jelly) Ringholm to complete their five-man band.  

Their lyrics come from the heart, or soul, rather.  I could go on and on, but I'm not going to.  I shared "Soul Shop" with you last time.  I'm sure they'll pop up on here many times.  They got invited to play at the Larry Joe Taylor Fest again this year.  Last year was their first time and now they're back for round two.  They will be performing on the last day of the festival at 5 pm.  (LJT Fest is April 20-25)

Also, I'm thrilled because they are going to be coming to Sherman, Texas in June (that's only 20 miles from me)!!  I would love to be able to see them live more often, but I've only been able to see them once.  I'm trying to get as many people as possible to join me in June because I so want these guys to succeed.  I want to see others loving the songs that I love.  This band just lifts you up.

(Steve, Matt, JamJames) 



February 16, 2015--Stoney LaRue, Oklahoma Breakdown

Artist:  Stoney LaRue
Song:  Oklahoma Breakdown
Album:  Live At Billy Bob's

I'm sorry I'm late.  This no breaks from January to Spring Break is killing me.  I'm not a big fan of this idea that the school board seemed to have.  Thankfully, we didn't use any snow days, so I'll have some freedom next Friday.  Trust me, it isn't just me that needs the break.  The kids need it just as much, or more.

Okay, so let's get started.  Stoney LaRue is a pillar of the Red Dirt community.  I mean, this guy is one of the three most notorious Red Dirt artists.  He was born in Taft, Texas and raised in Southern Oklahoma (woot!).  He later moved to Stillwater, Oklahoma where he became friends with a man named Jason Boland and another by the name of Cody Canada.  These three guys are like the three points on the foundation of a pyramid that helped form the Red Dirt scene into what it is today.

If you have ever seen the post titled "Red Dirt Ten Commandments" then you'll understand.  Anyway, the three of them shared a house together in Stillwater, known as the "Yellow House". 

They all went their own ways.  Cody Canada formed a band that we all know of as Cross Canadian Ragweed, and then later with Cody Canada and the Departed.  Jason Boland has his band of Stragglers, and Stoney is a solo act.

"Oklahoma Breakdown" is one of my absolute favorite songs by him, but I do love "Spitfire", "First One To Know", "Te Amo Mas Que La Vida", and "Texas Moon".

I hope you give him a listen!



Saturday, February 14, 2015

February 15, 2015--Blade Brown, Glory Days

Artist:  Blade Brown
Song:  Glory Days
Album:  To Be Released

Okay, so this amazing young man just so happens to be my cousin.  He's less than a year younger than my little brother and he's as close to us as a brother.  I love him to pieces and I'm so proud of him.

As some of you know, he's auditioning for The Voice this evening. I'm psyched for him. Honestly, though, I know that whatever the outcome is today, he's amazing and shouldn't ever stop doing what he does.  He writes what he knows and he writes it well.

I love the way he tells you a story.  By the way, the line "blame it on Cody" was about his dad.  See, this whole song is about his dad and his two best buddies, Stevie and Victor, back in their "Glory Days".  Blade and I were talking not too long ago and he mentioned realizing that he's in his glory days too.

The song really hits home, as his grandmother Betty and friend Victor Billy have left this earth.  However, the love we have for them remains as well as for all the others we have lost along the way.

Blade's a great young man.  He's had his ups and downs as anyone has had but he never stays down.  I've seen him writhing in personal agony and still do his damnedest to put a smile on the faces of those he loves.  He and my brother are my two that I can count on to bring me back up no matter how down I get.  I honestly can't be around him without smiling, because that's the kind of person he is.

Whether it's on The Voice or on his own, Blade Brown is a success to me.  He always has been and always will be.

You know, writing this makes me think of that Montgomery Gentry song "Something To Be Proud Of".  Well, I'm damn proud.  I know all of his family and friends are.  I know that those looking down on him from Heaven are proud, too.

Memaw would have loved to listen to him sing his own songs and play his guitar around the bonfire by the picnic table.  I can almost hear her requesting him to sing his songs and maybe throw in a little Bob Segar, too.  Papa, well, I can just imagine how he'd slap Blade on the back and put his arm around his shoulder and say, "Proud of you Big 'Un."

And I guarantee you that they are.


February 14, 2015--Reckless Kelly, I Don't Like St. Valentine

Artist:  Reckless Kelly
Song:  I Don't Like St. Valentine
Album:  Good Luck & True Love

Alright, so I did an excerpt on Reckless Kelly just a short while ago, but I couldn't resist using another one of their songs today.  So, here it is.



February 13, 2015--Roger Creager, The Everclear Song

Artist:  Roger Creager
Song:  Everclear Song
Album:  Having Fun All Wrong

Okay, so Roger Creager has been around for along while.  However, you probably don't know that this Texas musician is pretty damn smart too.  He's got a business degree from Sam Houston State University and an Agricultural Degree from Texas A&M.

He was pretty shy in his younger years and it was the revolution of the Texas Music Scene that truly helped him become the successful musician that we know today.  He started playing piano when he was just six years old and then later picked up the guitar during high school.

"The Everclear Song" is probably his most widely known song.  However, he's got a lot more than just this song to offer.  I personally like, "Let It Roll", "Should've Learned By Now" and many others.  Check him out and decide for yourself.



February 12, 2015--Mark Mckinney, Drink Too Much

Artist:  Mark McKinney
Song:  Drink Too Much
Album:  Home

Mark McKinney is not to be confused with the actor who shares the same name.  This guy was born in Big Springs, TX.  I love his sound.  It's real and edgy and sometimes energetic.  His voice has grit.  The guy writes his own music and has even written for Kevin Fowler.  His brother, Eric, started out with him but later decided he'd rather work on the production end of things, rather than the performance end.

He's got some other good songs.  I nearly used "Crazy" and "River Song" also came up.  I'm starting to listen to his stuff.  He reminds me a little of Shooter Jennings.  He isn't just country, but he isn't just rock either.

Let me know what you think!


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February 11, 2015--Rodney Atkins, He's Mine

Artist:  Rodney Atkins
Song:  He's Mine
Album:  Take A Backroad

Okay, so you've probably heard of Rodney Atkins.  If you haven't then you've heard him without realizing it.  He's been accused of sounding too much like country music artist Tim McGraw. Rodney actually signed his first record deal back in 1996 to Curb Records (the same year and company that LeAnn Rimes signed to when she was no more than 14).

Rodney was adopted by Allan and Margaret Atkins after he'd been back an forth with a couple of different families as an infant.  He'd had a severe respiratory infection and the adoptive parents couldn't handle it so they brought him back.  Margaret Atkins had recently undergone a surgery.  The couple had lost a newborn a year prior to adopting Rodney.

He began playing guitar in high school and became quite well known around parts of Tennessee. He later attended Tennessee Technical Institute where he began writing songs.  Now, this is another pop country artist that I'm sharing with you all.  I tend to like Rodney's songs.  "Going Through Hell", "Watching You", and "Cleanin' This Gun" are my favorites.

The above song is one that reminds my mom of my younger brother (and for good reason).  He's pictured behind the lyrics on today's graphic.

Although Rodney signed to the record label in 1996 and spent two years working on a record, it was never released as Atkins wasn't pleased with the work.  He spent much more time honing his skills and sound as well as his writing.

Once Atkins began writing songs about his life, he began seeing huge success.  I guess that goes to show you that if you write songs that are real to you then your audience will connect to that and relate. Of course, writing your own songs helps.



Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 10, 2015--Whiskey Myers, Headstone

Artist:  Whiskey Myers
Song:  Headstone
Album:  Early Morning Shakes

Yes, I know.  I've already written about Whiskey Myers. Well, I'm doing it again.  You're going to get repeats, especially if the band is one of my favorites, which Whiskey Myers just happens to be.  This song is from their most recent album "Early Morning Shakes".  I can listen to this album from start to finish and not skip a single song.

These guys started out with Cody Cannon (lead vocals/guitar) and Cody Tate (lead guitar) were roommates in Elkhart, Texas.  They began writing songs together and enlisted John Jeffers (guitarist) to help them in their song writing.  The trio originally called themselves Lucky Southern.  When they moved to Tyler, Texas they gained two band memebers:  Jeff Hogg (drums) and Gary Brown (bass).  

They've also got a guy that tours with them as a multi-instrumentalist.  He plays the keyboard, saxophone, and fiddle and I have no idea what his name is.  He isn't listed as a band member, but I swear he was in the "Smoke" video by A Thousand Horses.  I like to refer to him as "Stoner Guy".  If you ever see them live then you will recognize him by that alone.  



February 9, 2015--Love And Theft, Angel Eyes

Artist:  Love and Theft
Song:  Angel Eyes
Album:  Love and Theft

Okay, so we all know that I'm not a huge Pop Country fan, but I do like these guys, or at least what I've heard of them.  Love and Theft was formed originally as a trio in Nashville, Tennessee but one of the members left and the duo, Stephen Barker Liles and Eric Gunderson, never replaced him.

"Angel Eyes" was their first huge success, making it to number one on the charts.  Other songs such as "Runaway" and "If You Ever Get Lonely" have done well also.  The duo was the opening act for Taylor Swift's "Fearless" tour in 2008.

Personally, I don't have anything against Pop Country I only have issues against fake.  When your voice is completely modified or 90% of your songs aren't YOUR songs, then I tend to dislike the music.  However, there are many artists in Pop Country that are honestly skilled and talented and write their own material (for the most part).  Some examples are Love & Theft, Blake Shelton and wife Miranda Lambert, The Eli Young Band, and others.

I enjoy most of the songs I've heard by Love & Theft.  I'm interested in what I may come across by them next.  They aren't typically a group I search out to listen to all of their music, but they're also not a group that I skip when they show up on my Pandora radio.



Sunday, February 8, 2015

February 8, 2015--Barenaked Ladies, If I Had A Million Dollars

Artist:  Barenaked Ladies
Song:  If I Had $1,000,000 Dollars
Album:  Gordon

Okay, so I had to throw something funny at you, and these guys never cease to make me laugh or smile.  Also, another band that was popular in the late 90's, the Barenaked Ladies were originally from Canada and then made their way to the States with the single "One Week" (which I can somewhat sing. lol)

Anyway, they mix humor with folk and pop-rock and have created something that no one can successfully duplicate.  Honestly, though, I feel like the group Bowling For Soup must have been influenced by these guys.  There aren't many musicians that can mix comedy in this style of music as successfully as these two groups have done.  Then again, maybe I'm biased.

If you watch "The Big Bang Theory" then you hear these guys every time that theme song plays.  



February 7, 2015--Eve 6, Inside Out

Artist:  Eve 6
Song:  Inside Out
Album:  Eve 6

Flashback to 1998!  This is one of those songs that I hardly ever skip when it comes up on my music player.  I got to see these guys when I was 14 years old right before they disbanded in 2004.  I didn't realize how lucky I was at the time.  They put on one hell of a show.  They've got endless energy.  

This is the song that made them famous from their self-titled and first album.  The guys formed in La Crescenta, California in 1995.  They're kinda nerdy too....probably another reason why I like them.  Their name "Eve 6" was inspired by the X-Files.  Drummer, Tony Fagenson, happened to be a fan of the show and saw the episode entitled "Eve" in which a character's name was Eve 6.  And thus, the band was named.

Okay, sorry about the "Revenge Of The Nerds" .gif, but I just couldn't refuse. 

Anyway, the group released two more albums after their self-titled debut.  "Horroscope" (2000) and "It's All In Your Head" (2003).  Unfortunately, the second of these two albums was not well-received. The group disbanded in 2004.  Joining back together in 2007 to tour.  Nearly 8 years after they split, the group came together in the studio once more and recorded their latest album "Speak In Code" which was released in 2012, which includes sessions with Everclear and The All-American Rejects.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the trip to the past.
